ICLE Registration Guidelines

Thank you for considering ICLE for your continuing legal education needs. Find our seminar registration and cancellation guidelines below. 


ICLE does not issue cancellation refunds or exchanges for webcast programs. Duplicate registrations will result in multiple charges to your account. A $25.00 administrative fee will apply to refunds required as a result of duplicate registrations.


Advance registrations are those that are completed 48 hours prior to the start of a program administered at the State Bar of Georgia offices or broadcast locations. All other program locations are considered offsite program locations. Advance registration for an offsite program must be completed 5 business days prior to the start of the offsite program. Onsite and mail-in registrations are not guaranteed. ICLE will accept onsite and mail-in registrants as space permits. However, meals may not be available for onsite and mail-in registrants. All attendees must check in upon arrival and are requested to wear a name tag at all times during the program.

Duplicate registrations may result in multiple charges to your account. A $25.00 administrative fee will apply to refunds required as a result of duplicate registrations.


ICLE seeks to foster an environment of adult learning for its speakers and registrants, as such, children are prohibited from attending ICLE programs.


ICLE provides only digital program materials sent by email in downloadable PDF format. Program materials are typically emailed at least 24 hours prior to the program. Webcast program materials and video links are available on the registration receipt that is sent to the email address you have on file with the State Bar of Georgia. The webcast digital materials can be accessed through the materials link in the receipt and/or found in the right-hand corner of the video by selecting the information icon (i).


For expediency, ICLE encourages online registration at www.gabar.org/ICLEcourses. However, ICLE accepts online, mail-in and onsite registrations for its programs. ICLE cannot accept emailed and faxed registrations.


Advance online registration closes 48 hours prior to the start of a program administered at the State Bar of Georgia offices or broadcast locations. Advance online registration closes 5 business days prior to the start of offsite programs. The late registration fee commences thereafter.


Again, ICLE strongly encourages online registration. Given the current climate, mail-in registrations MUST be postmarked 7 business days prior to the program date in order to receive the advance registration rate and to ensure ICLE receives your registration prior to the program. If your payment is postmarked after that time, please ensure that you include the onsite registration fee. Should your payment not reach ICLE prior to the program, you will not be allowed entry into the program without payment of the onsite registration fee. Should your payment arrive after the program, ICLE will return or refund your mailed payment. Please note, ICLE must receive the correct registration fee in order to report CLE credit. Any registrations received without the proper registration fee cannot be fully processed. Please note, mail-in registrations are not guaranteed admittance.

Make checks payable to ICLE and mail to:

PO Box 117210
Atlanta, GA 30368-7210


ICLE cannot accept cash. ICLE accepts credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, and American Express), money orders and checks (make money orders/checks payable to ICLE). Onsite registrants must pay at the time of the onsite registration. Please note, onsite registrations are not guaranteed admittance.


E-mail icleregistration@gabar.org
Call ICLE: 678-529-6688